“You must become aware of the games your mind plays to keep you asleep. Anything that causes contraction in you is an obstacle in the way of higher consciousness.”
“It is only in silence and stillness that you find yourself.
You don’t find yourself in the noise of your mind, you need to become silent and still. In silence and stillness you can see everything.
When you’re thinking, you’re lost in a dream and you miss everything.
Become silent and still.”
– Vishrant
“I wanted to be free so I just let go of everything.
I let go of everything because anything that you hang on to keeps you tethered.
You can’t fly while you’re holding on to something.
So let go, let go, let go.”
– Vishrant
“I am a Satsang teacher.
I use everything to help people learn surrender because that is the key to higher consciousness and enlightenment.
That’s what I am up to.
I have your enlightenment and higher consciousness in mind, always.”
– Vishrant
“Higher consciousness is brilliant.
You get to see how you create your suffering through your own victim-oriented thinking.
When you see it clearly, you don’t get involved in it, so suffering stops because you’re not resisting life anymore.”
– Vishrant
“The only reason that we might not be perceiving love is because somewhere there’s a closure, somewhere there’s defensiveness.
If we’re wide open, then love is here.
It’s always here and then we celebrate life.”
– Vishrant
“A reality teacher is somebody who is living as Truth, who is trying to show others their Truth, what they truly are, which is the same Truth. It’s not different. It’s the same. We are all one.”
– Vishrant
In beingness there is no fear.
Fear belongs to the mind.
When you know yourself as Truth there’s no fear, you’re free.
There is no later, you’re free.
There is no before, you’re free.
There is now, you are free.
There’s no freedom in thinking you have a future or a past.
These are prisons and they’re delusions because they’re not real.”
– Vishrant
“It is in perceiving love that we find we have always been the ocean, not just the wave on the surface.
Everything for love always.
Openness counts for everything.”
– Vishrant
“I think the world is a better place
for the artists and musicians being here.
It’s a better place for people who know how to flow
They are true assets because they’re having fun.
They’re creating. They’re enjoying life. They’re with life.
They’re sharing that. It’s very beautiful.”
– Vishrant
“The Way of the Heart is being in service to something besides yourself. It can be the earth, it can be animals, it can be human beings, it can be the plants. It can be all of those.
The Way of the Heart is where you put yourself aside and you serve others. It’s the way of the giver, not the way of the taker and it is the most beautiful way you can live on this planet.”
– Vishrant
“The practice of meditation is simply recovering reality from a dream that you’ve been lost in since you went to school.”
– Vishrant
“I don’t call myself a spiritual teacher, I call myself a reality teacher because the truth is we’re talking about reality.
Beingness, what we truly are, is reality.
I find the word spiritual to be too holy for me, I’m very pragmatic.
I’m only interested in what works and I’ll only talk about my own direct experience.”
– Vishrant
“Yin is receptivity.
When I practiced martial arts, I learned how to be Yin.
You learn how to be empty, you learn how to be nothing.
You learn how to be the wind and the water, instead of the rock.
Then you can always stay in flow.”
– Vishrant
“If you are willing to be seen as a fool, you can have an awful lot of fun.
There’s no fun in trying to be constantly serious and constantly accepted by others.
There is an awful lot of fun when you’re willing to be seen as the fool.
You can really enjoy this life, you can celebrate it fully.”
– Vishrant
“If we really want to find the beauty we have to learn to slow down.
To be still, to be silent.
It’s in the silence and stillness that we find truth because these are the symptoms of Truth.
Look for that that does not move, that is absolutely silent”
– Vishrant
“Yoga is about stretching the body doing the asanas and opening up different channels.
Yoga has two sides to it, a physical side and a mental side. Both sides have to be operated on at the same time, it is a great undoing.
Yoga is wonderful. I love yoga.”
– Vishrant
“When you put one flame of a candle to another that is unlit
the second candle is lit without anything being lost from the first.
The invitation is to keep coming back to this until it takes.
There’s no magic tricks. You don’t actually have to do anything. Just be here, be still.
Fall in love with this that’s all.
As you breathe out, allow yourself to let go.”
– Vishrant
“The best way to deal with all adventures is to be in wonderment.
Not in your head, analysing whether it’s good, bad, right or wrong
but just in wonderment
like a little kid.”
– Vishrant
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